The first fairway driver by Discmania was an instant hit as soon as it was released, and to date is still one of their most sold discs. It flies straight like a midrange, but the exceptional glide gives it extra range without sacrificing any lateral accuracy. So don't let the speed 7 fool you, this disc will fly far.
Good choice for: Straight fairway drives, turnovers, rollers, for beginners, advanced and pro players alike
The Crave provides controllable straight flights with a great feel and loads of dual-color style. Relative to MVP drivers, the Crave is like a seasoned Servo. The popular “worn workhorse-stable” vibe is achieved with subtle wing contours that also feel great in the hand. The stability, range of weights, and easy throw make the Crave a GYRO® rig staple.
Good choice for: Workhorse fairway driver, controllable straight flights